Vesting Period

Understanding our Token Distribution

Vesting is a traditional concept for token launches that explains the locking period for tokens. This describes how tokens are released into circulation.

Purchases made during our Presale are NOT vested, all tokens purchased will be airdropped to the users account on launch date. You can review the information within the whitepaper to understand our token distribution.

Team Token Vesting

The following tokens will be vested and locked away with an audited third-party smart contract provider, this will be available for our community to review.

Founders: 10% - 42,000,000 BLUNT Vested for 365 days starting from launch.

Project Partners: 5% - 21,000,000 BLUNT Vested for 365 days starting from launch.

Marketing: 18% - 75,600,000 BLUNT Vested for 90 days starting from launch.

Private Sale

The private sale is for early community members with experience in crypto and investing to access BLUNT at a minimal price, users with private promotional codes will be able to access bundle deals and detailed information about the project. Larger purchases will not affect the ongoing price during this stage.

Presale Stages:

Our presale opens the opportunity to the general market to access BLUNT tokens prior to exchange listings, allowing our community to purchase BLUNT at a minimal price.

Each purchase during the presale affects the ongoing price due to supply and demand.

Tokens purchased during the presale are NOT vested, review our vesting schedule to understand when you will receive BLUNT.

Vesting Schedules

Stage One:

All token balances are promptly available on the launch date.

Stage Two:

All token balances are promptly available on the launch date.

Stage Three:

All token balances are promptly available on the launch date.

Why BudBlockz? The idea of naming our project “BudBlockz” originated from the core structure that keeps the team prosperous, cannabis buds and blockchain technology. BudBlockz was developed to unify the cannabis markets and create a simplified ecosystem for consumers to access reliable products and information. Creating an open fairly traded marketplace coincides with our decision to build upon blockchain technology, BudBlockz is creating a marketplace for businesses to expand and investors to find seed opportunities to broaden their holdings within the cannabis industry.

Last updated